
Malattia: un'idea di cui abbiamo davvero bisogno?

Mariano Martini, Francesco Brigo
Abstract 103 | PDF Downloads 112

Page e2023015



Editorial Office
Abstract 61 | PDF Downloads 74

Page e2023016

History of Medicine

The history of Italian neuropsychiatry and the role of Onofrio Fragnito (1871-1959)

Mariano Martini, Francesco Brigo, Davide Orsini
Abstract 216 | PDF Downloads 134

Page e2023014

Multidisciplinary research in neurosciences

The inconsistent opionions. Re-reading "The bell jar", by Sylvia Plath

Valentina Martinelli, Maria Giovanna Ruberto
Abstract 95 | PDF Downloads 108

Page e2023012

Improving the well-being of cancer hospitalized patients

Leilian Carneiro, Francisca Araújo, Albertina Oliveira, Sónia Brito-Costa, Ana Paula Amaral
Abstract 157 | PDF Downloads 134

Page e2023010